Attendance Information


We are hugely dependent on your support as a parent/carer in making sure students attend school regularly and promptly.  Attendance is one of the few areas in life where 90% is poor; in practical terms, 90% attendance is equivalent to missing nineteen full days of school each year!  Poor attendance is proven to have a very significant – and negative – impact on learning, exam success, and (therefore) a very significant impact on an individual’s life chances.  Arriving punctually and on time for each school day is just as important as attending regularly. For example, being just five minutes late for school every day would add up to over three full days of school missed each year.

The minimum level of attendance we expect for

every student in our school is 96%.

We know that in most cases, any problems or difficulties around attendance can be sorted out by talking things through.  We are keen to work with parents and carers – and to provide whatever support we are able – to make sure every child attends school regularly, and at the correct times.  

Our Attendance Guidance for Parents & Carers set out, as practically as possible, what we’re expecting of you (as a parent/carer) – and of your child – to make sure every student is able to make the most of learning at school.  Please do let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Please address all enquiries to

Our Attendance Policy sets out how our approach and expectations around Attendance, and how we work to support that.