Russ, our PE teacher, is being interviewed about a 3D printing project and a personalised whistle made by Ash for his PE lessons. We are really excited about the things we can make and it’s lovely to learn how to make in so many different ways.
 IMG 9196 150x150 3D Printing and PE
  • Andreea Longley

    My name is Andreea Longley. I am a BSc student at Leeds City College. I would like to invite you to take part in a research study to evaluate the effects of 3D printing on learning experience in a classroom situation.
    The study is designed to evaluate the overall experience of using a 3D printer in the classroom, any advantages and disadvantage.
    Questions will be asked regarding your experience using a 3D printer: any specific problems you have encountered, any benefits or improvements regarding student involvement with the curriculum as a result of using a 3D printer. Please find the questionnaire attached bellow. All information obtained during the study will be confidential.

    We hope that you feel able to help us with this study. Participation in this study is totally voluntary, and you are under no obligation to take part in this study. You are free to withdraw at any point prior to returning the questionnaire. .
    If you would like to discuss anything further, please contact me on 07547391574 or via email .

    Yours sincerely
    Researcher: Andreea Longley
    Supervisor: Julie Best